Gary and Yamina noticed when coaching some clients that they felt a sense of 'is this all there is?'. Having experienced this feeling themselves and undertaken personal development journies to where they both are today, the idea for this course was formed.
Gary and Yamina met whilst study for their coaching qualifications in 2017. There is an excellent chemistry between them and this warmth and intituition is brought to the courses they deliver. Their ethos is to offer a space where groups of people can share their experiences safely, learn together and create the conditions to support personal change.
This programme takes participants on their own personal journey through four stages:
- Session 1 provides Enlightment, and helps participants to develop a deeper understanding of where they are in their life, and the narrative they have so far created. The session introduces some tools to help participants connect with the 'now'.
- Session 2 is an Indiviudual Coaching Session with either Gary or Yamina and explores the values that underpin our best selves. We use the Values in Action Survey as a tool to reveal your strengths.
- Session 3 focusses on Recalibration and explores what you can let go of in your life to create the space for creativity and renewal.
- Session 4 explores the potential Transformation you could experience and supports you in planning the first steps you want to take.
We encourage you to keep a reflective journal during the programme.