Ian and Gary have known each other since 2014 and have both been focussing on developing their businesses, which has resulted in synergistic opportunities to work with each other. This course evolved from discussions about the use of art and mindfulness / meditation to support people to increase self awareness and overcome challenges in their lives. Both Ian and Gary have supported individuals to embrace their authenticity, and have both been on their own personal growth journeys' through developing the course. The good chemistry between them lends itself to an open, sharing, honest and authentic engagement with participants. We ensure that we provide you with a safe enviornment in which to explore your challenges.
We believe that a barrier to authenticity is the body's natural response to feeling threatened - the fight or flight response. On the basis that this behaviour is a physioligical response, this programme will support you to embrace your fears by exploring the sources of the emotions and feelings that are creating this response.
This programme takes participants on their own personal journey to discovering and embracing their authenticity in five sessions:
- Session 1 introduces the programme and starts by exploring your personal Sources of Love. We use a combination of learning, creative expression (don't worry, we provide the creativity if your don't feel like you have that skill) and meditation, including visualisation led by Ian, who is a trained mindfulness practicioner.
- Session 2 explores your Sources of Shame and Guilt. The session follows a similar format to session one with different approaches. We also start to introduce tools to build a self help toolkit to support you beyond the course.
- Session 3 explores your Sources of Pain and Anger
- Session 4 explores your Sources of Fear and in particular focusses on the fear underpinning truly being your authentic self.
- Session 5 conludes the programme by supporting you to Embrace your Self- Compassion and Self-Acceptance.
We encourage you to keep a journal during the programme to reflect on your journey and to record your personal resilience tool kit.